
Hi, I’m Ryan Jacob, and I attend University of California, Berkeley. I major in Chemical Engineering and I pursue Clean Air Engineering most than my other subjects. Studying for long periods of time can sometimes take its toll on health, that’s why I find time to rest and engage in activities that make me feel alive and active like 3-on-3 basketball, dodgeball, and flag football. These sports serve as my pick-me-ups.

Living a happy, active, and healthy lifestyle is important to me. I remind myself that there’s life outside of school when I’m drowned in academic tasks. Whenever my schedule permits me, I take walks outside of school and try to take photos of the things I see and the moments I want to keep—you can say photography is my passion.

The San Francisco 49ers, San Francisco Giants, and Golden State Warriors are my favorite sports teams of all time. Growing up, my family and I never missed a game on TV, and whenever we could we watched games in the arenas.